Archive for the ‘Long Form Copy and Direct Mail’ Category

B2B Collateral : Ultimate Jets

December 31, 2009

Broadcast Copy : AAA

December 31, 2009

Newsletter : Keshia Kyle

December 15, 2009

Keshia Kyle, an up-and-coming Sexpert, approached me to write her first newsletter (in her voice) to announce her newest position at the Examiner as well as to get people to subscribe to her sex blog the Talk of Shame. Destined to be the Sex-Queen-of-all-Media you may have caught her somewhat candid talk radio show on Sirius/XM or her numerous appearances on Ron & Fez as well as The Don and Mike Show.

Side note: Alexis Stewart (Martha Stewart’s daughter) loved the newsletter.

Web Copy: Pricing Page

November 30, 2009

It’s no secret that staffing agency fees tend to operate within a black box. What one company paid for a candidate may not be the same across the board.  In order to separate Choice from the herd, we set out to do what no one would do, make our rates clear and easily accessible. This was written up by me and copy edited (w/ a few minor tweaks) by my boss at the time.

Direct Mail: Choice Postcards

November 30, 2009

Part of a series of postcards I helped write and art direct with the Choice staff, each one had to provide two contrasting images and follow the copy formula of “Some Choices…” This one was my first one, I picked the images and wrote the tag line on the back which read: “Some Choices Will Move You”